Debut Novel

Debut Novel

It has always been a lifelong goal of mine to write and publish a fantasy novel. Even as a kid, reading the Dragonlance Chronicles I would make up stories about side characters or back stories, or something completely new characters as I was reading. Sometimes I would write these ideas down, half finished and barely making sense, dreaming of one day having a book with my name on it on the shelves of the local Borders or Barnes and Noble bookstore.

Well, this last year I decided I was going to actually do it, and began finishing a story I began writing nearly twelve years ago. At that time it was a half-baked tale that mostly featured the aftermath of the "dark side" winning one of those climactic battles you read about. Over time the story was refined and adjusted until I had a semi-coherent beginning. As life got busy, I abandoned the story and barely thought about it over the next decade. However, the pandemic and other health scares made me start thinking about what I had not accomplished in this life, and what to do about it.

The itch to complete a book once again came to the surface, and this time I followed through, delivering my debut novel, Dark Wolf's Howl. I sincerely hope you enjoy the story, though I know it still has some rough edges and probably could have used a little more polishing. Nevertheless, I am grateful for the support I have received and hope that the tale helps to brighten someone's day.

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